This being the beginning of a New Year, I thought
it might be a good idea if I were to write a list of events, situations,
opinions and beliefs on which I hold (usually) strong opinions that are not in
line with the general consensus that
seems to represent the official thinking of all right-thinking people in our
part of the world, as revealed in politics, newspaper editorials, media
communications in general, and by established governments (for the most part).
I will take them one by one:
Israeli-Palestinian imbroglio
remember how as a youngster, we all thought how noble the new state of Israel
was, representing as it did a sort of Western world reparation to the Jewish
people everywhere, for the dreadful event of the Holocaust. The Second World War
ended in 1945, and in the seven decades
since then a horrible reality has been borne in more and more on the
consciousness of thinking people: that the arbitrary decision to impose a
Jewish homeland in Palestine was only made possible by cleansing the region of its existing Arab
population, and handing over all their property to newcomers who have asserted
an extremely doubtful --- I can almost say, a ludicrous ---right to the land
based on their religious beliefs. This was ethnic cleansing long before the
term was invented.
this would have been acceptable if in 1947 Israel had not won a war against its
Arab neighbours and occupied the entire West Bank, as it is called, of the
Jordan river. Against all rules of international law, solidified in countless
Security Council resolutions, Israel has continued to exert a brutal military
occupation, while simultaneously pre-empting the only reasonable solution,
which would have been the creation of side-by-side states of Israelis and
Palestinians, a solution that was enshrined in the principles of a "road
map" for peace in 2002 by the
so-called quartet of the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and
Russia. Unfortunately, the leader of this group, the United States, has never
been a neutral negotiator, but has stood with Israel root-and-branch throughout.
In addition all members of the quartet have watched silently as Israel has
filled the occupied lands with Jewish settlers, reaching the number of 700,000,
who obviously will never be evicted from these lands that they have simply
pre-empted by main force, and, as I must emphasize, this has happened in a
manner forbidden by all the rules of war, occupation and so on.
In this great struggle,
involving small states in the world’s most volatile region, I find myself
sympathizing with the occupied people, rather than their well-armed and
aggressive occupiers. This position opens one up to accusations, entirely
unfounded in my opinion, of anti-semitism. It is axiomatic, surely that one can
criticize the behaviour of the state of Israel without being in any way
anti-semitic. It is simply that, in this David and Goliath struggle, I am entirely on the side of David.
NATO should have been wound
up at the end of the Cold War, as was the Warsaw Pact, the military alliance on
the other side.
In a world still armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons there are two
areas that could lead us to a dreadful conflagration, Eastern Europe, and the
South China Sea. When I use the expression "us" I am really assuming
that our side is represented by the greatest
military power on earth --- although a power curiously unable to win any
of the limited wars it is permanently engaged in --- that of the United States. Oddly enough, in
Eastern Europe the danger is not posed by aggressive postures by the other
side, but by the United States and its allies, including Canada, who have,
against the promises made when the Russians agreed to the re-unification of the
two Germanies, not only interfered in the elections of governments established
in Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan and other nations in the ambit of Russia’s traditional
sphere of influence, but have aggressively established forces in the Baltic
states, right on the doorstep of Russia. And in the South China Sea, an area
vital to China for its foreign trade,
once again, the Americans are claiming a right to interfere thousands of
miles outside their sphere of influence.
Here again, our side seems to be on the wrong side of the argument.
Is Justin Trudeau, with his
“happy ways”, really a bigger threat to the world than Donald Trump?
This claim is made in a recent vigorously-argued article by Hamid Dibashi,
Professor of Iranian Studies and Literature at Columbia University, in an
article for Aljazeera.com entitled
“The Polite Sham of Justin Trudeau.” The article follows two major lines of
argument, with both of which I agree; first, against the confused climate change policies being
followed by Trudeau’s government; and secondly, against his reckless conflation
of the BDS (Boycott Divestment, Sanctions) movement against Israel with
anti-semitism (a subject I have already dealt with above).
On the first of these
issues, I cannot express it any better than has Professor Dibashi: “Trudeau told oil executives last year that 'no country would find 173bn
barrels of oil in the ground and just leave it there.' That's apparently how
much he plans to dig up and burn --- and if he's successful, the one half of
one percent of the planet that is Canadian will have awarded to itself almost
one-third of the remaining carbon budget between us and the 1.5 degree rise in
temperature the planet drew as a red line in Paris. There's no way of spinning
the math that makes that okay --- Canadians already emit more carbon per capita
than Americans.” The author writes that the government’s
purchase of the Kinder Morgan pipeline to run tar sands oil to tidewater in
British Columbia, has been opposed because of its “obvious catastrophic dangers to human life.”
adds Trudeau’s true colours emerged, when, after recently apologizing for the turning
away from Canadian ports of a boatload of Jewish refugees from Nazism in 1939, he added:
"Anti-Semitism is far too present. Jewish students still feel unwelcomed
and uncomfortable on some of our colleges and university campuses because of
BDS-related intimidation."
Professor comments on Trudeau’s confusion --- “he takes the same liberty
with the environment that he takes with Palestinians as human beings entitled
to their liberty” -- and adds that
a true apology for the Canadian refusal to help Jews escape from the Nazis
would be helping Palestinians sustain their non-violent BDS movement to regain
the dignity of their place in their own homeland.
And with that I
rest his, and my, case.
I decided when
I was a teenager that socialism was the only apparently viable way to bring about
a world in which opportunity is equalized between all citizens, and I have
never seen any reason to change my mind.
Of course, the vast preponderance of human
beings disagree with me about this one. When socialism, in whatever form, has
worked, as in Scandinavia, for example, it has produced spectacular results in
extending human freedoms. The fact it has seldom been given a chance in most of
the world is a tribute to the efficiency of the controls over information and
thinking exercised by the private owners of information systems, who almost
always emphasize the glories of free-enterprise capitalism, and relentlessly
and continuously denounce the failures, as they see them, of socialism. Here
again, I think, one might point to the United States as the source of this
problem, for it has used its so-called soft power, the global reach of its
entertainment industries and powerful information systems, and its
technological advance over the rest of the world, much of it obtained by having
the power to shut down competing technologies, their pop culture marching
hand-in-hand with their armies across the world. If that sounds perilously
close to a conspiracy theory, so be it.
In my life as a media
worker I have worked for both private and publicly-controlled organizations,
and found no difference between them as to freedom of expression.
Indeed my conclusion from working for quarter of a century for
capitalist enterprises was that most of those for which I worked were monuments
to inefficiency, bungling and overall idiocy. Indeed, some general conclusions
I have read about from various pieces of research were borne out by my
experience: it seemed that creative thinking could be expected from roughly
three per cent of the workforce; useful and rewarding work from ten per cent;
and the rest of the positions were filled either by people of limited
imagination and talent, or simply by time-servers, who sat there waiting to be
promoted to positions of authority when their turn came around. Thus, for the most part, I seldom had a boss
whose vitality and intelligence were wholly admirable, and for whom I had a
hearty respect.
Of course I know there is a
contrary argument to this, that in every man or woman lies a spark, just
waiting to be lit by some event or expression or experience which can lead
anyone to achieve remarkable things. I cannot deny that, and have to conclude
that the previously described solemn
acceptance of mediocrity must have been a side-effect of the structure of
business enterprises.
Well, that’s already 1500 words,
more than enough solemnity for even the most loyal reader of these pages.
With you in #1 to 4. No experience in #5, except that the surfeit of propaganda and paucity of fact is the same.