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English: Barack Obama signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act at the White House (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Supporter of a single-payer health care plan demonstrates at an April 4, 2009 "March on Wall Street" in New York City's Financial District (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
by Ben Richardson
of Austin, Texas
am getting really sick of people telling us that single payer healthcare is a
pipe dream. It has worked so well for so many countries. The people
who are against it really want to maintain the status quo. I’m not
shitting on Obamacare because it is so much better than what came before it,
but it is basically flawed without the single payer option.
ten years of living in the US as a non resident alien on assorted work visas, I
met my wife Natalie we were married in 2014. Natalie, while generally
healthy has a number of health problems that need attention from time to time.
got my Permanent Resident status in 2015 in time to sign up for
Obamacare. As I am a self-employed musician/touring soundman and she is
in the service industry we average
between $20,000 to $40,000 a year taxable income
(depending on how much work I can drum up). So when we signed up, we
picked a Silver Plan from Humana, which seemed like a good deal. $6900 a
year is the cost of the plan, but with the subsidy we only had to pay $1440 a
year. For this we got Primary Care doctor and urgent care visits for
a $35 co-pay, Specialists $50 co-pay.
For anything extra we had to pay 100% till we reached a $1400 deductible and
once over that, we had to pay a coinsurance of 20%. Once we reached $4500
in additional spending the insurance would cover 100% from then on. Drugs
were also cheaper through the plan
worked fairly well for the first few months until I got an unanticipated job
for quite a bit more money. Once I had corrected my projected income
through the Obamacare website our subsidy dropped and our yearly payment rose
to a total of $3840.
coverage was good. Humana had lots of urgent care clinics in their
network. While we never got around to using the policy to its full
potential (finding a primary care doctor, having a physical etc..), whenever
Natalie had a problem, we would go to the appropriate provider and for $35 she
could see a doctor. A couple of times, I got small bills in the mail for
tests and such for around $100-$150 which I paid with no problem.
year when I went to renew, I found that the Humana plan I was on had raised its
rates by about $150 a month. So I
went on the healthcare.gov
website and tried to find a similar Silver Plan. I found one from
Ambetter that was about the same cost as the Humana plan had been in
2015. It seemed similar, although i had to admit the whole process is
quite confusing and not set up well for comparisons between plans.
few days ago Natalie got sick at work, and the next day I went on the Ambetter
website to find a doctor to take her to. The first couple of clinics that
came up were both less than a mile away from our house. That seemed like
a good sign, but it was not to be. The first of the two clinics turned
out to be inside the Del Valle Jail, the second was the children's clinic
inside the Delle Valle Primary School. The next two places I called, only
took appointments and didn’t have anything available till next week. On
the third call a woman registered us, then had a consultation over the phone
with Natalie. After spending a good thirty minutes on the phone, she told
us that no one was available and to go to the emergency room. She was
extremely insistent that she should go right away. I asked her if she
could recommend any urgent care clinics and she kept insisting that we go to
emergency. I finally searched urgent care on the Ambetter website and was
directed to the only one in Austin. It turned out to be inside a CVS
drugstore. When we got there, the nurse said they didn’t have any doctors
there and that Natalie should go to emergency. I finally got a guy from
Ambetter on the phone and as it was getting late, he said he would find us a doctor early the next
morning, and he did phone back
next morning he called back with the primary school and prison phone numbers.
At that point I lost my cool and asked him sarcastically if the $6900 the Plan was
costing me, really entitled us to a doctor. I then posted my story on the
Ambetter Facebook page, telling them that they sucked. I soon received a
call from an Ambetter lady who, after I took her to task on the lack of walk-in
clinics in their network, promised me that she would get me an appointment in
the next hour. She called back and gave me the number of a doctor who
could fit us in at 2:30PM. Talk to Betty, she said. So I
called Betty right away, only to be told in a most unpleasant manner that the
doctor had NO openings that day. By this time, Natalie was starting to
feel a little better and we both basically gave up exhausted and frustrated.
only silver lining in this whole mess, is that a couple of weeks before the end
of the enrollment period, the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians had called
me to tell me about a Silver Plan they were pushing that turned out to be a bit
cheaper, so they signed me up with The Sendero Silver Plan that is slated to
take effect March 1. They apparently have a lot more urgent care and
walk-in clinics so we have our fingers crossed that it will be more like the
Humana plan from the first year.
why didn’t you just take her to the emergency?” I hear someone ask. Well
I am pretty suspicious of hospital emergency rooms in the US, based on my
experience, and also that of Natalie, who always went to emergency rooms before
she met me. I was on travel insurance for the first ten years here, when
I went to the hospital one night with a sore abdomen. Four hours
later I walked out with a diagnosis of a strained abdomen. They
presented me with a bill for moe than $12,000, and tried to get me to pay for
it and get reimbursed by the insurance company, even though the insurance rep
had told me that that hospital could direct bill them. I didn’t pay them,
and when I later followed up with the insurance company to make sure that the
bill had been paid, they told me that they had asked the hospital for a
detailed accounting of all charges. The hospital had responded by sending
a bill for $900 which the insurance paid and that was the end of it. Can
you believe they tried to rip me off for $11,100?
time, on the road, Natalie had terrible stomach pains and I took her to the
hospital for a three-hour visit. I later received a bill for over $4,000.
another occasion she was rear-ended by another driver and had to go to the
hospital that night, returning the next day feeling worse, requiring a second
visit. I had decent car insurance, the other driver had none. My
Insurance company covered the repairs to the car, and assured me that they had
taken care of all the medical bills to the tune of almost $3000 (the maximum
they were legally obligated to pay). Imagine my shock six months
later to get a bill from a collection agency for more than $14,000 for the
second hospital visit. I think this is because the doctors just
cavalierly order the tests and not once in my experience have they ever
mentioned that these tests are costing you thousands of dollars. Even when
I would question the need for so many tests, the nurses would just cheerily
brush off your concerns by saying “the doctor has ordered them”.
we had signed up for coverage, and Natalie feared during a Caribbean holiday
she had caught some kind of infection from a biting insect. We were driving
from Dallas Airport back to Austin late in the evening and she called a
hospital in Waco and asked them if they took our Humana Insurance, which they
assured us they did. We were there for two hours but after an examination
they gave her a clean bill of health. I specifically asked them if there
were any charges as we left, and they said no the insurance has got it. A
month later I received two bills, one from the hospital and one from the doctor
totalling more than $900. The Humana contribution was $96. But
nobody tells you any of that. They usually tell you as little as possible
till they’ve done every possible test they can think of, and then present you
with a massive bill. To add insult to injury, in not one of these cases
I’ve talked about did we turn out to have anything seriously wrong with us, certainly nothing
that should cost $12,000, or $14,000, or $4,000, or even $900. This is
highway robbery by the whole medical insurance industry.
this is Obamacare. Much much better than the previous system where the
insurance companies could deny coverage at anytime and if you had a pre-existing
condition you either didn’t get insurance or had to pay a small fortune for
it. The only reason that I became a permanent resident was because it
looked like Obamacare would cover us for not too much money. But the
whole system is so skewed towards making a profit that it really is obscene to
a Canadian like me.
whole day I was looking for a doctor for Natalie, none of the people I talked
to gave me the impression they were really concerned about her welfare. All
they cared about was whether they took our insurance.
lived in Canada from the age of seven, till I left for Austin at the age of
43. I confess for that whole period I never gave a single thought to
healthcare because it was just there. Though each province has a slightly different
way of doing things, the bottom line is that all essential healthcare is
just give the doctor or hospital your health card and almost all the charges
are covered by the government. No co-pays and no deductibles and almost
no paperwork.
I was 20 I grew a cyst the size of a tennis ball on my forehead, and had to
spend a week in the hospital as they drained it to make sure the infection
didn’t spread to my brain. The cost to me… $0. When I was 24, my
lung collapsed. That was another week in the hospital. Then it
collapsed again. One more week in hospital. Then I had to go in for
chest surgery to fix it. That was a MONTH in the hospital. Again…
the cost to me.. $0.
years ago, my Dad almost lost his left eye. Only a specialist in optic
surgery was able to save it. Cost to him… $0. In 2007 my mother died
after two years of daily at home nursing and doctor visits plus two longish
spells in the hospital. Her care was uniformly excellent. Again
cost to my Dad… $0.
but you’re paying way more in taxes,” I hear someone saying. Well as
someone who has paid taxes in both the US and Canada, I think I can say with
authority, that I wasn’t paying any more in income taxes in Canada than I have
in the US. Alcohol, cigarettes and gas are definitely more expensive, and
the cost of living can be higher, but that is really because Canada and most
other first world countries have higher standards of living, and access to
excellent healthcare. And I have spent roughly the same amount of time
waiting in emergency rooms in both the US and Canada.
US spends twice (that is double) what most other countries pay for healthcare
per capita, and I can see why. So much time, energy and money is spent
trying to eke a profit out of the consumer that its no wonder Americans are so
certain dignity that comes with being confident that when you get sick, you
will be taken care of. That dignity is sorely lacking here in the US and
that is why the citizens need to elect Bernie Sanders to put the idea of single
payer healthcare squarely on the table.
will save us a ton of money and lower costs in the process. The other
aspect that no one seems to be talking about is that it will be amazing for
business. I saw somewhere that the average cost to the employer for
healthcare is now in the neighborhood of $12,000 per employee. So even if
the taxes were $3,000 per person for the government to pay all the costs,
businesses would still be saving a ton. Hell, if I had to pay $3,000 in
extra taxes I would still come out ahead of Obamacare.
can’t vote, but you know Natalie will be voting for Bernie Sanders… Feel
the Bern!!!!!

I do not know why the health care situation has to be so convoluted and confusing. Why would people not want other people be able to go to the doctors? It seems like madness. Healthy people means healthy workers and in the end that is always better for the economy.
ReplyDeleteAnisha Cason @ U.S. HealthWorks Berkeley